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Wisdom Teeth

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Wisdom Teeth in Melbourne

wisdom tooth removal in melbourne

Wisdom teeth can cause significant pain and discomfort for many people, but we are here to help.

At Lifestyle Smiles, our experienced dentists use the latest technologies and techniques to ensure your wisdom tooth removal is as stress and pain free as possible. We understand the importance of providing a positive experience for your wisdom teeth removal and are here to make sure you are relaxed and comfortable during your procedure.

what are wisdom teeth

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars at the very back of the mouth. They typically start coming in during late adolescence and early adulthood and can cause pain, crowding, and other issues that can harm the alignment of nearby teeth. 

In many cases, wisdom teeth need to be removed to avoid further dental complications. During the wisdom tooth removal procedure, a dentist or oral surgeon will use specialised tools to extract the impacted teeth and any associated tissue. After the procedure, patients may be given antibiotics and pain medication to help them manage any discomfort.

root canal treatment

Signs you might need a root canal


Damage to other teeth

The extra set of molars can push your other teeth around, causing mouth pain and bite problems.


Jaw damage

Cysts can form around the new teeth. If they aren’t treated, they can hollow out your jaw and damage nerves.


Sinus issues

Problems with wisdom teeth can lead to sinus pain, pressure, and congestion.


Inflamed gums

Tissue around the area can swell and may be hard to clean.



Swollen gums can create pockets between teeth that help bacteria grow and cavities form.



Impacted wisdom teeth can cause problems with crowding of other teeth and even make treatment to straighten other teeth necessary.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call us today to book an appointment with one of our experienced dentists. Your dentist will take some X-rays to examine the shape of your mouth and the position of your teeth to help you make an informed decision about wisdom teeth removal.

 Your options for wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom teeth can be removed either in a hospital operating room or in the dental office. In hospital you will have a general anesthetic and in the office you can either sedation plus local anesthetic (numbing) or just local anesthetic. However, except for the simplest of extractions we do recommend sedation for your comfort. Please see the information on general anesthesia versus sedation.

Cost of Removing Wisdom Teeth

The average cost of wisdom teeth extraction in Melbourne is between $350 – $650 per tooth depending on the difficulty of the extraction.

If you would like more information, please download our pricelist.

Wisdom Teeth FAQs

Does wisdom teeth removal hurt?

Removal of wisdom teeth doesn’t hurt as long as you are numb. However, there can be some vibration and noises that patients will experience, and if the procedure is difficult, it’s recommended to do it under general anaesthetic for comfort reasons. Removal of wisdom teeth is usually not recommended if you have a big swelling or abscess, because the anaesthetic won’t work very well, that’s also when patient usually get bad experiences. So it’s better to have them removed prior to getting pain or infection.

What is the recovery time for wisdom teeth removal?

Every patient and situation is different. Usually removal of the upper wisdom teeth is quite straight forward and within 1-2 days you’ll be up and running. The lower wisdom teeth can be challenging and depending on the difficulty of the extraction you can expect some swelling and pain after the procedure, and can take anywhere between 1-2 days, to 1-2 weeks for a full recovery.

What can I eat after wisdom teeth removal?

On the day of surgery, you will experience moderate discomfort. You should drink liquids, avoid solid foods, and avoid using a straw. After 24 hours, you can start eating soft foods, but it is recommended that you stick to soft, easy-to-chew foods for 5-7 days following your surgery. Foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as soups and broths, are great during this first week as they can help heal the wound and reduce swelling. 


What are the risks of having wisdom teeth removed?

For lower wisdom teeth there is a nerve that exits your brain in front of your ear and behind the jaw bone. This nerve provides feeling but no motor function to structures it innervates which means it supplies feeling and taste to your mouth, but not movement.

If this nerve is damaged during the procedure, you can experience numbness of your lower lip and chin, but this only occurs in one patient out of every 5,000 treated. Nerve damage can also cause numbness and loss of taste in some cases, although this is even rarer, occuring in only one patient out of 15,000 treated.

For upper wisdom teeth there are no nerves in the area, however these teeth are close to the maxillary sinus (the air space under your eye that gets stuffed up when you have a cold). The risk is that extraction of upper wisdom can lead to an opening into the sinus. This is not a big issue and can be closed at the time of extraction. The only downside is that if this occurs you should not blow your nose for one month, just squeeze and wipe.


Disclaimer: The material posted is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary with each patient. Any dental procedure carries risks and benefits. If you have any specific questions about any dental and/or medical matter, you should consult your dentist, physician or other professional healthcare providers.


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